Collaborations with Indigenous Artists

The Healing Heart Of The First People Of This Land-Symphony

A commission from Lushootseed Elder (Seattle) Vi Hilbert. The late Vi Hilbert chose me to write a symphony inspired by two sacred Healing Songs. I worked with Vi and members of her Nation for two years culminating in The Seattle Symphony’s premiere of the symphony in 2006. Recently, a film about the collaboration has been screened many times to great success. The Symphony has been performed by The Western Washington Orchestra with future performances planned for Vermont, The Unviersity of Washington and The Seattle Symphony.

The Spirit Of Haida Gwaii-Oratorio-Bill Reid-text

A commission from The Vancouver Bach Choir. I collaborated with Haida Artist Bill Reid (text) to create an oratorio celebrating Mr. Reid’s sculptural masterpiece-The Spirit Of haida Gwaii.The oratorio has been recorded and broadcast on radio and television many times. It has received six concert performances including The St. Laurence Choir, Montreal’s Metropolitan Orchestra, Ensemble Amati, Iwan Edwards conductor. Soloists have included; Judith Forst (OC), John Avey, Nathalie Poulin, Clarence Logan and Melody Mercredi. The work opened the 2008 Cultural Olympiad leading to the 2010 Olympics.

Beyond Eden-Music/Theatre

This work had a twenty five year journey to finally opening and running with sold out audiences in Vancouver and Calgary in 2010 and 2011. The work has received the support and permission from The Council of the Haida Nation and the Chiefs and Elder of the Haida Gwaii. I collaborated with many Indigenous Artists along this journey. Gwaai Edenshaw, Steven Pont, Derek Edenshaw, and Tom Jackson to name a few. Following the Canadian performances, I was invited to Arena Stage in Washington DC to work further on the piece including public readings with Indigenous performers from different corners of the United States.

New Journeys-Record Album

New Journeys is a collaboration with Haida artists Terri-Lynn Williams Davidson and Robert Davidson. I was asked to compose music for Western instruments based on traditional and original Haida songs. The result was a multiple National award wining album. ” Have A Light Heart” remained on an international record Billboard for twenty two weeks.

Jesus Indian-Music Video

Metis filmmaker and Playwright Marie Clements asked me to write a song based on a peom she had written. The result was a seven minute award winning music video. Juno Award winning Dene singer, Leela Gilday sings.

Finding Dawn-Documentary Film

Metis filmmaker Christine Welsh asked me to score her multi[le award winning National Film Board Film that documents the tragedies of the murdered and missing women of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, The Highway of Tears and the province of Manitoba.

The Coast Salish Knitters-Documentary Film

This is Metis Filmmaker Christine Welsh’s international success that tells the story of the women of the Cowichan Nation knitting the famous Cowichan sweaters to feed their families.

The Edward Curtis Project-Play

Metis Playwright and Filmmaker Marie Clements asked me to compose and create a Sound Design for her play about the famed American photographer of Indigenous people, Edward Curtis. It played in Vancouver and Ottawa.